Stress and Humans

Stress Management for RVers …. and for all people.

Stressed????? Me too at times !!!!
I am relatively new to RVing. ANY new experience takes us out of our comfort zone, but opens us to new wonderful experiences.
I am at the beginning of a huge learning curve and have made some mistakes.
But I am not new to Stress and Stress Management. I have worked in the healthcare field for 35+ years (25 years as a RN) and have been a Stress Management Consultant for 25+years.
I produce a Podcast based on Stress Management and how it pertains to RVing, traveling, nature, retiring and all that life throws at you. My goal to help you deal with YOUR stressors.
In the Podcast, I talk about the stressors which I am dealing with during this phase of my life and some stress management techniques and tools I use to deal with them. I also talk about our travels.
So, you probably know the meaning of Stress, but what happens to our body during periods of Stress, what are causes of the Stress response in our bodies, what are the results and MOST important how can you change your well-being?

First of all, what is stress?
Stress is caused by anything that evokes feelings of worry, anxiety or is perceived as a threat. In caveman times, Ugh the caveman saw a Sabertooth Tiger and either ran from it or fought it. Today, Stressors are less tangible. For example time constraints, money issues, and relationship difficulties (family, friends, co-workers) are the top causes of Stress.

Next, what happens in our body when we experience a Stressful situation?
When we get Stressed (anxious, worried, threatened etc) our glands produce and/or release hormones. Adrenaline and Cortisol increase your heart rate (pulse), elevates your blood pressure and provides energy (which is what “Ugh” needed when faced with a threat). This is referred to as the Fight or Flight Response.
In modern times, these symptoms are related to Hypertension. Stress causes many physiological problems/diseases; such as Asthma, Obesity, Diabetes, Headaches, Gastrointestinal problems (ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome [IBS], and colitis. It can also cause mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, general unhappiness, agitation, moodiness, irritability, anger, feelings of being overwhelmed, loneliness and isolation.

What can be done???? Stress Management Tools.
RELAX !!!! Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.
The goal is to stop the production/release of these hormones and get the body back to a normal state of homeostasis. So how do we do that? Some people say to just take a deep breath or count to 10. I talk a bit about these 2 “techniques” in my podcast (they don’t work for me).
There are many ways to reduce your stress. Find what works for you, and then PRACTICE the tools during times of calm and peace in your life to familiarize yourself with them. Think about it, you don’t go out and buy a chainsaw to cut down a huge tree which has grow over your house without experience. Practice whatever tools you choose to use. Do you want to learn how to use Deep Cleansing Breaths to relax-learn how (on my podcast) and practice it. You want to use Guided Imagery or Progressive Relaxation Techniques, go to my page Here’s help to Relax to learn more.
When you become proficient in these tools, you will be able to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (sometimes called the rest and digest system). It helps to conserve energy as it slows the heart rate, increases healthy intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes various muscles (sphincters) in the gastrointestinal tract.
So…..take a nice deep breath…….hold it……let it out…….and relax.